Thursday, May 29, 2008

Being silly

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Monday, May 19, 2008

In mommy's shoes

She found my shoes and put them on, she likes to do that, it's cute. It's funny to see her walk in them

I love this dress on her...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Out for a walk around the neighborhood

Friday, May 9, 2008

Fun little girl

I love to see her laugh

Braiden and Max, come see me soon, I want to play with you!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Piggy tails

I've put her in pig tails the last couple days and I love the way they look on her, it makes her look like a bigger girl.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

At the zoo with friends

I went to the zoo with two friends from church and our kiddos, it was fun and the kids loved it!
Olivia, Mazerick, Javan, Andrea, Ben, and Beth
Olivia looking at the animals
Playing in the playground
Her favorite thing by far was the slide, she must have gone down the slide 20 times in a row, she loves the slide and she'll climb up the stairs by herself and go down all by herself, she does a great job.
In our new van...I'll have to post a picture of our new van, I love having a van and Olivia likes it better too I think, she is higher up and she can see out the window.

With friends

Chloe and Olivia in a car grocery cart, these are friends of ours that live in IN, Chloe is 4 days younger than Olivia

This is Olivia's face as she looked at a caterpillar another kid was holding in her hand
She didn't want to hold it, it gave her the willies
Swinging at the zoo