Monday, March 10, 2008

More snow!

Our house
Olivia loves to play with the snow, she'll pick up little pieces of snow and throw them

Our car...I think

Cute smile

Out in our front yard

Here is a picture our baby #2, I know it is not clear and very difficult to see. I'm going to try to explain..the babies bottom is actually up in the air, to the right top are his/her feet and legs and the babies head is at the bottom of the picture. Well, I hope it is somewhat clearer now.


Stephanie said...

I love these pictures. I love Olivia and am so glad you posted a picture of our 2nd neice or nephew. I could tell where the baby was. So cute! What another month and you get to find out what you are having! I am so excited!!!!!

Love and miss you all!
Auntie Stephie

Oh and Max likes to say now... lalalalalala
So we are working on him to know that La-La is his Auntie La-La!

Stephanie said...

Oh yeah and where is a picture of your belly bump? We haven't seen one yet!

Love you all!

Papa said...

Wow, Look at all that snow! Olivia looks so cute playing in the snow all bundled up like that. As for the new ultrasound picture. I can tell from here it's going to be another girl! I'm so excited. Love, Papa